
Tychem&teg; LV coverall, elastic face, wrists and ankles. Handling hazardous chemicals is a dangerous business. You need the most protection possible. That's where Tychem&teg; LV fits in. Providing extensive protection, Tychem&teg; LV is supported with a broad range of barrier documentation. In fact, Tychem&teg; LV has been tested against more than 200 chemicals, including the ones most involved in industrial or HazMat incidents. Lakeland Chemical protective clothing is known for offering excellent protection and value. Tychem&teg; LV is another fine example. It offers the tear, puncture and abrasion resistance you deserve. Superior protection does not come at the expense of comfort. Tychem&teg; LV garments are soft and lightweight, allowing workers to move with ease. Tychem&teg; LV is ideal for a variety of work environments. Tychem&teg; LV is green for low visibility. Olive Size X-Large

Product Number: 55-LV130-XL
Manufacturer: Lakeland Industries

  $0 each
